![Asal [Tamil]](https://tamilyogi.co.cz/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Asal-Tamil-185x278.jpg)
Watch "12th Fail [Tamil]" online. 12th Fail [Tamil] movie released in India on 2023-10-27 with the duration of 146 minutes, enjoy the Full Movie with high quality streaming and download options at Tamil Yogi. Stay tuned for more updates and new releases!
Since its release, Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s ’12th Failure’ has received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. Everyone falls in love with the movie because of its captivating story and exceptional acting. The makers are eagerly gearing up for the release of ’12th Failure’ in Tamil and Telugu, which will hit the theaters tomorrow.
Source: IMDB
146 Minutes